I'm a Seattle-based copywriter skilled at creative writing, brand voice and tone development, creative collaboration, and sharing animal facts no one asked for.
(Not the children's magazine, though that would be neat.)
I've been at Rover for a decade. Ten whole years alongside many talented four-legged, two-legged, and occasional three-legged coworkers. It's been rewarding and has also filled my portfolio to the brim!
I worked closely with UX designers and project managers to bring this resource to life. I'm proud to have negotiated a balance between on-brand authenticity and staying on the legal team's good side with the trust & safety tagline: Safety is at the heart of what we do.
I've collaborated with UX designers, marketing designers, and project managers, on elements of Rover's homepage several times. My work in this iteration includes our tagline: Loving pet care in your neighborhood, along with the service descriptions, and 1-2-3 how to book messaging.
This page was a true cross-functional effort with strategy and guidance from all over the business. My job was to synthesize a lot of critical information into a page that is clear, reassuring, and factual while maintaining our familiar, conversational tone.
Hello from the bottom of this page! If you've scrolled this far, I assume you want to know more about me.
I've been writing bad poetry since I was 6, I genuinely like black licorice, I'm learning how to quilt, and think that everyone should have to work in customer service at least once. For humanity.
Unsolicited animal fact: House cats (and many other animals) are crepuscular. It's not just a fun word to say (cray-pus-cue-lar) it also means they're most active at dusk & dawn. Cue the 5 am zoomies.